

鬼に魅せられて - 加々美和枝の和紙人形 -

Fascinated by Demons ― Washi Paper Dolls of Kazue Kagami ―

人形を作り続けてはや38年という加々美和枝先生の和紙人形展です。素朴で温かみのある人形は宗家・山岡草氏により受けついだもので「ひなび式」がその原型です。鬼のおもしろさに気付いたのは大津絵の鬼の念仏との出会い。日本全国の鬼のお面をかぶった神楽・神事・祭・伝統芸能等から探し、年に一度のペースで公募展に出品。今回の展示では約20点の鬼のいる風景がならびます。 なまはげ、御太鼓、風神雷神、中之条の獅子舞…。鬼の虜に、いえ加々美人形の虜にあなたもなってしまうはず。


This is the Washi paper dolls exhibition of Ms. Kazue Kagami who has been making Washi paper dolls for 38 years. Her dolls are simple and warm. She was taught and inherited the way to make dolls by So Yamaoka of “Hinabi Style” which is the model of her dolls. She was interested in ogres when she found “Buddhist invocation of an ogre” in Otsu pictures. She searches her motives and models of her works from Kagura(ritual dance), Shinji, festival and other traditional performing arts in Japan for entering her works in exhibition of the general public once a year. About 20 festivals are lined up at this exhibition like Namahage, Ondaiko, Fujin-Raijin and Shishimai of Nakanojo. You will be be also fascinated by her dolls not only these ogres.